Dylan Troy
BA Hons Film Studies
Film project and promotion
Dylan graduated from Swansea Metropolitan University with an honours degree in Filming and has always had a huge passion for music and filming. Dylan is an accomplished Videographer and Editor (and created our brilliant promotional video which you may have seen recently!) and creates many different types of videos for his clients including Promos, Weddings, Special Occasions, Baby Showers, Mini films and more! Check out his website below to see examples of Dylan's work and try to spot how many different cameras he uses in each video! www.dyltroy.com In this class our stars will learn the exciting steps of filmmaking, covering everything from camera work to editing. Our students will learn how to use multiple types of cameras including Drones, Go-Pros, Studio Cameras and Handheld Cameras and create mini-films, music videos, record studio shows, and film stunning Wicklow scenery on trips out for location shooting and learn how to make special effects. This class is perfect for both those who want to be 'behind the scenes and yet can also go hand in hand with those who are doing a performance class and want to also learn the 'production' techniques! We will be going on trips to film in different locations and for those older students who have TicToc and YouTube channels; you will pick up cool tips and techniques about how to edit videos!